Thursday, April 06, 2006

How self-important must one be to have a blog?

I've resisted this. I've always felt that creating a blog requires an immense amount of self-importance. Honestly, who the heck cares to read the "personal on-line diary" of another person... and how full of myself would I have to be to feel that someone would want to?

But anyway. It's begun. Maybe I can rationalize this blog's creation by telling myself "It's just for me; I don't really expect anyone else to find my thoughts of interest." Maybe I can use this space to post pictures for loved ones, and to write the journal that every book on writing suggests a would-be writer should have. I can hash-out short story ideas. And I can fantasize that my ramblings are of interest to you, the person reading this.

Be well. Watch this space; I'll be back.


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